Gratis levering

Tomas Hellem

Hei alle sammen og god onsdag.

Et kort innlegg denne gang om gratis frakt,som tittelen antyder,fra idag har jeg endret på kriteriene for å få gratis frakt,du må handle for minst kr 600,- eller mer for å få graitis frakt.

Ulikt de andre rabattene vi har,så er ikke denne automatisk,så du må skrive inn    "gratis frakt" i feltet for rabatt ved utsjekk for at rabatten skal virke.

Merk at denne rabatten ikke kan kombineres med de andre rabattene vi har her hos oss.

Ha en fortsatt fin uke



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Trygg handel hos Bodytime

Tomas Hellem
God og trygg handel hos Bodytime kosmetikk lister opp punkter som er viktig om hvorfor folk burde handle hos oss.

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Fraktavtale med UPS oppdatering 2

Tomas Hellem

Hei og god onsdag

Fraktavtalen som Bodytime har fått med UPS fungerer nå som den skal,d.v.s.

det tekniske fungerer helt utmerket.

Det det betyr er frakt av pakker fra bodytime til kunder i f.eks usa/canada eller europa vil være mer rimelig for vår kunder fra nå av.

Hvis man vil sende en pakke på opptil 1 kg til usa/canada vil det rimeligste alternativet koste ca NOK 383,hvis du vil ha pakken raskere fram så vil express alternativet koste  ca NOK 1155

Den samme pakken vil til europa f.eks portugal koste  ca NOK  230,vil du som sagt ha pakken fram litt raskere så vil express alternativet koste NOK 353

Du kan også velge om du vil ha pakken levert direkte til deg eller om du vil ha pakken levert til et UPS acess point som er littegrann rimeligere og littegrann mer praktisk.

For da kan du hente pakken når det passer deg,dette alternativet er også tilgjengelig hvis du bor i usa/canada.

Eventuelle importavgifter/toll er kjøperens ansvar og er svært vanskelig av Bodytime å vite om på forhånd.

Håper at denne informasjonen er nyttig.

Hvis du dere har noen kommentare eller vil vite mer så ta kontakt på

Tomas H

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Shipping agreement with UPS update 1

Tomas Hellem

In my last post, I told you that the online store has obtained a shipping agreement with UPS for sending international packages to the EU AND USA/Canada.

The technical aspects are not quite in order yet, the new prices are not shown yet, I have tested it myself and it would cost NOK 2100 to send a jar of salve to the USA from Norway.

With the new prices, it will cost about 300 to send a jar of salve to the USA.

I will get this resolved when the weekend is over, i.e. on Monday.

I will provide another update when this is resolved.

Have a nice Saturday and weekend.

Tomas H

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Shipping agreement with UPS

Tomas Hellem

I am in the process of establishing a shipping agreement with UPS which means good shipping rates with UPS when I send packages outside the Nordic countries, mainly the EU and North America (USA and Canada).

I don't yet know when the agreement will come into effect, this depends on when UPS gets the technical stuff in order, I hope that everything will be up and running by this weekend (Saturday 18 March), but it is a bit uncertain exactly when.

When the technical aspects are in order, customers outside the Nordic countries will be able to check what the shipping will cost with a few clicks.

I will post a new post when everything is up and running.

Tomas H

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Planting of trees under the auspices of Tree nation

Tomas Hellem

Bodytime kosmetikk has started a collaboration with Tree nation, which works to offset the emissions of Co2, for every order placed on our website, Tree nation plants 1 tree on one of its projects in either Madagascar or Tanzania.

This helps to restore lost forest in the places where Tree Nation plants trees and offset the Co2 emissions that we humans make.

You can continue to plant trees yourself with the help of Tree nation by registering on their website , I did this myself several years ago when I bought tea from a company in England , the company Kent tea and coffee does the same every time a customer places an order on their website.

Have a nice January

#treenation #kentteaandcoffee #bodytimecosmetics #planttrees

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Marigold ointment has been safety assessed

Tomas Hellem


The ringworm ointment has now been safety assessed, (directly translated: safety assessed)

I have been sent the documents showing that the recipe has been reviewed and approved according to European laws in the area.

So now I can legally sell the product to anyone who might be interested, both directly to consumers and shops of various kinds.

I have sold this for a long time already, but now it is technically legal for me to sell.

Regards: Tomas Hellem

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Update on the safety assessment process

Tomas Hellem

Hi all

Got good news today the recipe I submitted (calendula salve) to be safety assessed (fancy words) has been approved and the product is safe to sell to the public, a certificate will be issued.

Which will be written as soon as the government is paid (is done today), then it will take 5-6 weeks before the certificate is sent to me.

Of course, it cost some money, a total of about 2200 all inclusive, but the most important thing here is that the recipe and the product that is produced are considered to be safe for everyone who uses the product.

I will keep you updated

Thomas H

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Distribution of gift cards

Tomas Hellem

In order to get a few more people to sign up for the newsletters I send out, I have decided to give out 1 free gift card of NOK 300.- every single week for at least the next 2 months. (until August for the time being)

The only condition is that you want to receive newsletters from bodytime, you must actively sign up to receive newsletters through the popup that appears periodically on the page.

Every Monday I will draw 1 winner from among those who have signed up each week, I will send a message to the winner when the draw has been made, the card can only be used to buy products on , the gift card cannot be exchanged for money .

It is not necessary to make a purchase to participate in the draw, the only thing you have to do is to want to receive newsletters from bodytime, these will be sent out approximately 3-4 times a month.

Then I have a small stipulation, no one who already receives a newsletter can participate, but if you have bought goods from us before but do not receive a newsletter, you can participate.

Thomas H

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Safety assessments for bodytime products

Tomas Hellem

I have started a process to make bodytime's products "safety assessed", a rather fancy title, but the company that does this for me is based in England, hence the fancy title.

But what it means is that you send the recipe for a given product, e.g. marigold ointment , and you must include all kinds of documentation related to the ingredients, including something called an MSDS (material safety data sheet).

The recipe is then reviewed and it is checked that the ingredients and quantities used are in accordance with European legislation and if everything is in order, you receive a safety assessment when the process is finished.

The people who do this are educated in the field and have years of experience, so these assessments can really be trusted.

The caveat for me is that this takes at least 2 months per assessment and I have started with 1 product so far.

I will keep you updated during the process.

Regards: Thomas H

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